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Thank you! I'm so happy you like them <3 I hope it wasn't sending out a bunch of notifs when I was editing the page I kept having to redo it xD

(1 edit) (+3)

Honestly, there's nothing I can really say that hasn't already been said, but good lord, whatever expectations I had going into this, they were blown out of the water upon actually seeing Riker in all his fucked-up glory. 

I've been an avid consumer of yandere content for more than a decade, and it's so hard to find things that genuinely make my stomach twist so deliciously and make me feel alive anymore, but this game? 

This brought back that feeling with a vengeance, and with each obsessive line of dialogue and action that Riker took, my gut coiled all the more and I couldn't help but bask in how exceptionally well-written this character is. He hits so many of my points for a yandere, and while I'm not a fan of physical violence being meted out against me for disobeying, I'm still morbidly curious about where those routes will lead. 

That's not even to mention how I'm chomping at the bit for the continuation to some of the more deliciously perverse and creepy endings, as well as the sweet and understanding ones. 

To put it simply, you've created such a masterful piece of craftsmanship that doubles as top tier wish-fulfillment for people like me, and I can't thank you enough for it. I pray that more and more people are inspired to create more grand quality content like this.

 I would subscribe to your patreon without a second thought if my paypal was working or if I had a credit card, not only because you deserve support, but also because I'm woefully selfish and want to slurp up more of this gourmet feast you've provided. 

I have absolutely no right to make any request at this point, considering how much you've already done, but if it were to ever cross your mind, just know that an explicit noncon route would not go underappreciated... ;3

TLDR: You are amazing and I hope all your wishes come true because you deserve it for your service to us unworthy mortals.


Reading your post made me feel so accomplished, and I really thank you for taking the time to write it out <3 Feedback like yours makes me so excited to continue and put out more content. Riker's route is set to have a variety of final endings. Some heavy on horror, some psychological, some violent, some perverse. I'm not really into violence myself but it's so fun to write/draw I couldn't help myself. (`∀´)Ψ

And thank you so much for your kind words <3 The patreon is entirely optional and I'll have more out as soon as possible for you to enjoy. :3 I hope the finals endings meet expectations.

I do want to sprinkle some noncon being in there as I enjoy that genre myself ~( ˘▾˘~) I just want to make a fucked up character lol.

Thank you for checking out my game <3


I'm glad if my words have had a positive impact! I always take the time to write out a comment if I come across anything I absolutely love :3 I'm very interested to see the endings! And I get what you mean, I usually like having violent scenes whenever I write any yandere stories myself, haha, though they're always directed at other characters to show off their jealousy and unhinged-ness. I never complimented you on your horror art, so I thought I'd add that on here, I love the warped and twisted portraits Riker has whenever he's having a particularly extreme emotion, it really sells how terrifying he comes across for our main character to actually be in that situation! Perspective is truly a beautiful thing, I'm sure if we were seeing ourselves through Riker's eyes, we'd have a glowing rose tint around us, heh. 

Optional or not, being able to further support such great content would be swell! And I'm looking forward to it very much, it's going to be hard to be patient, but I'll try to manage! I'm sure whatever endings you have planned, there will be more than a few favorites to pick from~ 

Oh man, consider me the devil on your shoulder whispering "Do it, do it," when thinking about adding noncon hahaha, I'm so weak for that stuff. You've definitely succeeded with Riker, I'll say that! 

I'm also looking forward to learning more about our online friend, I saw the recent update to the download page, and boy, he looks handsome... I wonder if he'll end up being a more protective sort of yandere? Considering his messages, he reminded me slightly of Toma from Amnesia, if you've ever played that otome. I can't wait to see his stuff as well. I'm just really excited for this project in all honesty! I'll be keeping an eye out for your updates :D <3

(1 edit) (+3)

Ahhh!! I made an account just so I could talk about my feelings regarding this game. HOOOLY SHIT! I'm fucking addicted! First of all, your expressions are phenomenal -- you manage to capture so many emotions in its rawest forms, fuck!!! It's so goooood and something I go crazy for since I draw as well! Props on that, even I struggle with half of what you manage to accomplish with one sprite >U< you're so cool! Sorry fangirling! 

Anyways, all of the choices and endings are so distinct and unique and showcase a lot of personality and charm!! Some games feel so copy and paste, to the point where it seems like choices don't really impact how scenes progress or how characters react. I freakin loved the different sides of Riker we get exposed to depending on our choices -- his thoughts, feelings, and personality! It also has some realistic tones to it as well, at least in the sense where the character actually goes into his feelings instead of it just being one dimensional and without much substance.

But the real reason I wanted to post was because of one of the endings, so spoilers to anyone that wants to avoid that! It also delves into a personal preference of mine that I do not see often.


So....the turning the tables ending....AHHHH XD FUCK YES literally when I saw the hair option, and his reaction to what the MC said after that, I could literally FEEL the devilish smirk creep up onto my face. YES YES YES!! Personally, I lean towards dom as a female, and it's pretty hard to find games that have the main male characters as a sub -- especially yandere -- so when I saw his character break, and then him get flustered, and the MC actually stating they wanted to be the one in control...I WAS LIVING FOR IT!!

Literally the moment I saw his sprite with his hair down, I kept thinking I wanted to break him (affectionately) in my head, he looked so freakin delicious. But imagine my face when I actually saw the option and dialogue for it to happen...FUCK YESSSS! Hehehe Riker suddenly became the prey. And then when he ran away...OHOHOHO, let the games begin!!

Even though that seems to be the only option in terms of having Riker in a kind of submissive type dynamic with MC, it was so fucking good no other option could beat it for me in my opinion!! Good freakin job!! Seriously you captured the dynamic so well!!! I can't wait to see what happens next! And I can't wait to meet Lionbright_zz too! You should be proud of your art and work :3

Keep doing what you're doing!! And sorry if this review ended up being weird O-O I just really wanted to express how happy that scenario and ending made me. Sending hearts!


Oh my goodness! (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )<3333333 sorry for not responding sooner, but waking up to your comment was the best thing ever. Faces are my favorite things to draw, so thank you so much for liking them. You are so absolutely wonderful.╰(ɵ̥̥ ˑ̫ ɵ̥̥ ╰)

I was worried about that ending tbh, I'm so happy you feel that way about it. I tried to put myself in the mindset so I'm happy it turned out well. I'm definitely planning on fleshing it out in the final day so I'll have to do some research (`▽´) hehe.

For the Lionbright_zz route, I'm actually planning on having him be not as outwardly crazy like Riker, and more on the submissive side than domineering so I hope that you'll enjoy it <3

Thank you so much for checking out my game, I'm really so incredibly happy you enjoyed it, and that you even made an account to comment that is so sweet <333

I'll have more out as soon as possible :3


Don't worry about that ending >U< seriously it was soooo fucking good! The sexual tension was chef's kiss and dominating Riker by using our touch calculatingly was sooo deviously delicious!! (The MC didn't need to use violence to make him submissive ((which is nice since you can dominate someone sexually in many ways)) and instead glared and pulled him forward suggestively to make their dynamic clear -- even moving forward as he backed away >w< ah, heeeeck yessss)!! 

I also love love love how MC used such direct language to fluster him and get him riled was so AHHHH! Seeing him turn red as a tomato GIVES.ME.LIFEEEEE (honestly your entire game and writing gives me life x3 ) What a way for MC to have fun with the situation~ With the way his body was speaking for him, Riker might have just discovered something he didn't know he'd be into...eheheh!

Speaking of which, after what you mentioned about Lionbright_zz's route, I'm so freakin excited!! I'm kinda not surprised he's going to be a bit more submissive, my dom senses were tingling when he straddled us with his legs...or maybe that's just me projecting my tastes onto the act...o3o

Honestly, I just want to point out again that I love the way you draw faces! Don't worry about the ears because they work perfectly with your style. When you mentioned trying to work on them, I was like *3* why...they're so good!! I wouldn't change a thing x3 I'm so glad I tried out your game, it's a blast! I've definitely replayed the turning tables end waaay more than necessary just to hear that little audio cue of him realizing what we just said and what we want to do with him after...hehe we threw him off his game and the sound is like a crack forming on a mask

Enjoy your research kekek! You def found a fan within me! and sorry about all the writing I literally can't contain my happiness!!


What a gem of a game ! I'm super excited for the fourth day to come out and also very intrigued about the other "bachelor" from discord (at least I assume it is him). 


My first route was the one where he "suits himself" during the night. I immediately understood it was going to be a wild ride lol. I really like this kind of erotic genre with the realism you introduce in the protagonist's thoughts and reactions. It's nice to have such a safe medium to explore those fantasms.

Good luck for the next part and I apologize for my weird grammar since I'm not a native.


Your grammar is perfect! And thank you so much for checking out the game <3

I have some concepts for the second love interest and he'll be released once Riker's route is all wrapped up (:

And thank you so much <33 I tried putting in what I consider at least to be realistic choices and reactions so I'm really happy you think so. And yes exactly I love stories and games that have that kind of freaky and scary premise that would be absolutely terrifying in real life. It's my main drive for creating my own.

I'll have the next update out as soon as possible! :D


Oh man, I just played a good amount of "routes/endings" and I love how you can have vastly different dynamics with Riker in each one. Also, one of my favorite things in your game is how you change Riker's sprite art to show us his emotional/psychological state, I admit it's scared me more than once, haha. 

I can't wait to see how each path unfolds, I'm especially excited for the conclusion of nearly all of the branches in the "Creep" route ("Kinky", "..." and "Declawed") and also "Doggy dad" because they're really hot and I enjoy the mix of being scared and horny. But I look forward to "Therapy" too, it hurt me and I loved it! I just wanted to hug him in that moment :((

Like other people have said, I would also enjoy learning more about Riker and their past. Was he always like this? Did something traumatic made him that way? I'm very intrigued by him.

Anyways! Thank you so much for your hard work!! :D


My hand is definitely hating me for how many times I've drawn him but I'm really glad that it's working out and that you enjoy all the different sprites <3 I wanted to make him more 'alive' and less static and I think the creepiness is better with more dynamic >:3 

I hope I can create endings that are satisfactory for the routes but I'm definitely going to try my best and put my all in (・`ω´・ ●) It may take a bit because I definitely want to have more NSFW artwork for the more sexual endings and such and I don't want them to come off as corny or weird lookin'.

I'm definitely planning on spreading out bits of hit backstory across multiple endings to help paint a picture of why he is the way he is, kinda like how day 3 has bits explaining his obsession for the mc.

And thank you for all your support! You've been checking in on the game since I first posted, even the first commenter and it means the world to me <3


It made me super happy to read your reply <33! I actually wanted to say "Hey, it's me, the first commenter!" but I didn't believe you would recognize me and I didn't want to come across as a weirdo, haha! 

I'm really happy that you found your crowd, and of course, take all the time you need! I'll wait and cheer for you!!


No not at all you are so very appreciated <3 it's my first time putting my work out like this so your comment had me like O: 

And thank you again so much :3 I'll do my best to create content that you'll enjoy!

Deleted 2 years ago
(2 edits)

Oh my goodness you played them all? I know some of them are on the shorter side but thank you so much for checking it all out.

(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ ) <3333

I'm planning on fleshing out Day 4 so I hope it'll be satisfactory and give a good conclusion to all the different Day 3 endings. I'll work on the second ML's route after Riker's is done so it won't be completely over and I hope you'll check it all out then as well c: 

I'm happy to hear it tugged on your heartstrings. Riker just needs some love yaknow? ╰(ɵ̥̥ ˑ̫ ɵ̥̥ ╰) <3

(1 edit) (+3)

Found this from your reddit post, had to play it and really glad I did! First thing I like was that vast changes in each route. I love how creepy he gets in the close shots, like his eyes make me want to run away! So yeah I think Riker's the right mix of deranged and hot. Unsettling atmosphere and character, nailed.

One suggestion is that I'd like to learn more about Riker. I know the last day isn't out yet, and I don't necessarily need a deep dive into his entire history and why he's like... yknow how he is, but I would like to know more about what he does for a living, or what he likes(aside from MC lol) and dislikes. Maybe split up little tidbits behind each of the endings? That might have already been your plan lmao.


Thank you for taking the time to check out my game! And no that's really great advice thank you. I was planning on expanding in his reasoning for the way he is in certain routes but I do agree with you with giving him a bit more substance on him as an actual person. Job, background, etc. One thing I've been meaning to do is make a character sheet so I may just have to get one whipped up as well for some additional info.


For the content the game has so far, 

I think it's a good start. I can definitely see the future plans to adding more characters through the Heroine/Hero, Riker, and the Lion-Phone guy.

I do find the start a bit rushed in. It's nice to have some ambiance, fluff, and backstory to give the Hero/Heroine some character that's not from just from choice boxes alone.  Some people might hate it, I think its a personality builder. You always got to balance the aspects of the story. It might also add some unexpended moments for Riker and perhaps some other love interests if there are plans for them. We do have context that she's independent and is working a bar-restaurant and we have a friend in the phone. But other than that, you can definitely expand a bit on that. 

Riker has a great start off. Starts off as a customer, turns and whisks you off. As we continue to spend time with him and depending on the choices given, he can be unpredictable, obsessive, and unsettling. I do find the mini-jump scares interesting. It gives him a sense of mysteriousness that there is something more to him that is missing. 

Hopefully in the future update you'll expand upon that idea. 

First of all, I want to thank you for the time you put into your feedback. I agree with you, the beginning does feel a bit rushed and was technically slapped together as I was learning the ropes of the game engine. Once I have day 4 finished I'll go back and see about adding some more substance to the beginning, see if I can add some more atmosphere and character building as well as different events to hook interest. 

I wanted to make Riker an absolute mess of a person internally that can go from one extreme to the next depending on how you respond to him.

Thank you for your input and I'll definitely keep it in mind while I continue the game as well as when I go back and apply finishing touches <3


Heeh, I'm really enjoying this so far! <3

Riker gives me the creeps/hots at the same time, I love the ominous atmosphere and his 'very' obsessive nature. That scene with the crying was big yikes, I loved it. :D It's quite rare to find dark themed stories like this. Makes me hope for some nsfw scenes.. will there actually be some with Riker? Cannot wait for more regardless!


Hey thank you so much for checking out my game <3 yes I am planning on putting in nsfw scenes with him :3 I'm happy he's giving off those feelings cause I've always loved them myself in stories I've read/games I've played so I definitely wanted to capture that obsessive nature in him. I'll have more out shortly and thank you again ´・ᴗ・`



The use of zoom-ins got me sooo many times. The first use in the bar I was like :O and then I played through my way. On repeat I did a different situation in the bunker and when he jumped into our face again I was like OoO ahaha Love the art style and the ambience it brings to the already interesting text lines!!

Oh gosh thank you so much <333 I'm happy you like it so far, I definitely want to give him the right mixture of hot and creepy af xD Day three is in the works and I'll have an update for the release date soon :3

(2 edits) (+1)

is the lion guy i was texting and riker the same person ?


The Lion guy you're texting is the second love interest that isn't available yet.  I'll start working on his route once I've finished Riker's route. (:


I'm really enjoying this, it's unsettling and enthralling, great job! I can't wait for the next installment!

Thank you for checking out my game! :D I'm currently working on Day 3 and will have it out as soon as possible :3


Played this last night and just had to comment as soon as I got off work today. Riker is so scary😂especially the part where MC is crying. It was exciting tho oops. I'm looking forward to seeing more!


That route is going to be something special :3  at least what have planned for it I hope it will be C": I'm glad you liked it.  I'll have it out as soon as possible! Day 3 is going to have so many choices so I hope you'll check it out <3

(3 edits) (+1)

the artwork in this game is amazing! I find the atmosphere genuinely jarring and suspenseful, even the creepy piano music is a good touch! I can't wait to see where this story goes with Riker- also, Riker is super hot and I love him already. I'm definitely going to play nice with him at first. Please let me know if you get around to making a tumblr blog so I can follow you. <3 eagerly waiting for day 3~!


Thank you for checking out my day 2 update! <3 I'm planning on adding a bunch of branching choices so there will be plenty of ways of interacting with him :3 And of course! Once I get all my socials in place I'll send out an update. Thank you again :D

I want to ask, will there be any nsfw scenes? Like sex scenes? lol

I do plan on having certain routes contain sexual scenes c:

you are a lovely gem~

Deleted 2 years ago

Oh my goodness thank you <33 I'm happy that you found it disturbing, I'm wanting to make him appear more and more unhinged in certain routes so I'm glad it gave that kind of effect :3 and definitely sounds like something I would want to do, thank you for the advice! I've become quite a bit invested in this project ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Deleted 2 years ago

Thank you for checking it out! I hope you enjoy <3

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